
Are you a resident and do you have a complaint?

If you have a complaint about an unsafe or unhygienic situation, overcrowding or other matters that do not meet SNF requirements, you must first raise it with the landlord. If that does not help, you can file a complaint by email via or use the complaint form.

Make sure that you include the following in your email:

  • Initials and surname
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Address of the housing site(s) about which you have a complaint
  • The housing site is managed by (name of undertaking)
  • Description of your complaint. It is important that you specify the areas in which, in your view, the site does not meet SNF requirements.
  • Have you been in contact with the undertaking that manages the housing site? If so, what was the undertaking’s response?

Do you live in the vicinity of labour migrant housing and have a complaint?

Housing provided by undertakings with the SNF quality mark is inspected for safety, hygiene and sufficient space. Undertakings with the SNF quality mark also have internal rules and a dedicated manager. Nevertheless, the housing of labour migrants sometimes causes inconvenience to others. That is of course not the intention. If you have a complaint, you may have recourse to various bodies.

Stichting Normering Flexwonen strives to ensure that labour migrants are housed properly and safely. This means that assessments are carried out in relation to space, safety and hygiene. If you have a complaint about an unsafe situation, such as a fire hazard or structural problems, you should first raise the issue with the undertaking that manages the housing. If that does not resolve the issue and you believe that the unsafe situation persists, you can contact Stichting Normering Flexwonen by email. info@normeringflexwonen nl.

Make sure that you include the following in your email:

  • Initials and surname
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Address of the housing site(s) about which you have a complaint
  • The housing site is managed by (name of undertaking)
  • Description of your complaint
  • Have you been in contact with the undertaking that manages the housing site? If so, what was the undertaking’s response?

If you have a complaint about noise nuisance, parking problems or other complaints that do not relate to the safety and hygiene of the housing itself, Stichting Normering Flexwonen cannot help you. Noise nuisance, parking problems and other issues that are a nuisance to the surrounding area should be reported to the police or municipality.

Other types of complaints

Do you have a complaint about the SNF, an inspection body or an inspector? If so, you can submit that complaint to the SNF. The complaint must be dated and set out clearly and in detail. In addition, it must be submitted in writing. This can be done via

You can consult the rules for complaints to find out about the further course of the procedure.

Have you not been treated well by your employer in the Netherlands? If so, you can contact FairWork (in your own language) for free help and advice.

Telephone: +31 20 760 08 09; WhatsApp: +31 6 51 77 1 249; email:; website:’